About Us
© East Fork Pasty Co. 2023
We are excited about the future for East Fork Pasty Company. We are in the process of building our very own commercial kitchen. Hope to have it up and running in spring 2024. Out of our new kitchen we will be able to make more delicious pasties for everyone.
UPDATE: After 2 years of building and delays we are finally finished! We have starting baking our pasties out of our own kitchen. They will baked here and still be sold out of Ramona's Bakery.
What Others Say About Me
"One of the things I love about working with Chloe is that she is proactive in her approach. She helped me to take things that were sitting on my to do list for way too long and finally get them done! I would highly recommend working with her. If you feel like you have too much to do and not enough time. If you want someone to take "stuff" off you plate you should talk to Chloe."
- Josh M.
- Tiffany S.
Hello Everyone!! We’d like to take a minute and introduce ourselves, we are Henry and Loretta Hahn. We’ve been married for 13 years and have two beautiful kids. It has been quite the adventure to get here and we’d like to tell you some of the backstory on how East Fork Pasty Company came to be.
While on vacation visiting Henry’s hometown we sampled every available pasty in the Copper Country. Going on our version of a pasty tour. After returning home to Washington State we decided to make some for ourselves. We had no idea what we were doing and that first batch was so bad it went right into the garbage. But our love of pasty wouldn’t let us give up on that dream of pasty perfection. Six months and many tweaks later we finally had something worthy of sharing with family and friends. Then the requests started coming in. Soon we were making pasties by the hundreds and thought “is this something we can actually do for real?”
So we threw all our eggs in one basket. Henry quit his job, we sold our house, and moved 2,000 miles back to the Copper Country to open a pasty shop. With being able to lease space from Ramona’s Bakery we will be able to get a jumpstart on our dream. It’s been a long and crazy road to get here, but we’re so excited and grateful to bring what we believe is the best pasty to the Copper Country where it belongs.
$10 EACH Pick up on Monday or Saturday between 11:30am-2pm
501 Elm Street
Calumet MI 49913
Step 1:
Pre-order Pasty Online or By Phone
Step 2:
Pick-Up Pasty Monday or Saturday Between 11:30am-2pm @ 501 Elm Street
501 Elm Street
Calumet MI 49913
11:30am - until sold out